I received this personally signed letter directly from Donald Trump. I had interviewed him for a chapter in my best-selling National Geographic book, "My Favorite Place on Earth" (2009). This signed letter is a release form allowing Nat Geo to publish his chapter. (In this listing I've blocked out my mailing address for privacy, but it is on the letter itself.) Also included is the original manuscript of Donald Trump's book chapter, with minor corrections made by his assistant (in ballpoint pen) and then by Trump himself (in his typical bold black ink.) The letter shows the same procedure: the personal signature by Donald Trump in bold black ink, the date filled in with ballpoint pen by his assistant before Trump added his signature. This is a legal document so had to be personally signed. This offering is a rarity: Donald Trump carefully proofread his chapter, made corrections himself, and then hand-signed the release letter. Note: If the bidding surpasses the listing price, I will include a copy of "My Favorite Place on Earth," which includes 75 accomplished people ranging from the Dalai Lama to Jane Goodall to Robin Williams revealing their special spots in personal detail. I'll be happy to autograph the book to the buyer.